I've been on the journey you're on! I've had the same doubts and felt the same overwhelm.
My journey began in 2011 when I started becoming aware that ingredients in our food weren't always as safe as I'd assumed them to be.
I started baking my own bread and making other foods from scratch. Then, I started focusing on my mental health. That led me to aromatherapy, which led to eliminating toxins from my home, which led to natural healing, which led to ... you get the idea.
Along the way, I discovered better health than I'd ever dreamed. I never had any major ailments, but I never expected I could have so much energy, ditch my 3-4 headaches a week, sleep better, feel calmer, and much more.
My desire for you to experience those same benefits inspired me to become a certified natural health professional and certified health coach. I believe I've found my life's purpose in helping others along the journey I experienced (and am still experiencing)!