Decadent Chocolate and Peanut Butter Brownies (recipe at top)

Decadent Chocolate and Peanut Butter Brownies (recipe at top)
Would you like a decadent treat for Christmas? One that you don't have to feel entirely guilty about because you can control the quality of the ingredients? Would fudgy chocolate brownies topped with peanut butter frosting fit the bill?


5 Foods to Make From Scratch to Save Money

5 Foods to Make From Scratch to Save Money
Is making food from scratch cheaper? I focus mainly on cooking from scratch as a way to control the ingredients in my food, but did you know it can also save you money? It's no secret that grocery prices have gone a bit crazy lately, and many people are looking for ways to eat healthy on a budget.
Learning how to make food from scratch can have a bit of a learning curve, but some items are surprisingly easy! Here are five of the simplest to get you started on your cooking from scratch journey.

The Easy Button for Finding Organic, Non-GMO Groceries

The Easy Button for Finding Organic, Non-GMO Groceries
Do you struggle to find high-quality foods at the grocery store? If so, you're not alone!
There are so many labels making so many claims – some of which are true and others that are misleading. It can be tough to know what you should choose.
Wouldn't it be great to have an "easy button" for finding groceries that are actually good for you?


Make Your Own Trail Mix for Cheaper than You Can Buy It

Make Your Own Trail Mix for Cheaper than You Can Buy It
Anyone else ever looked at those teeny little packages of trail mix they sell at c-stores and wondered why it cost so much?
Yeah, I'm with you!
I understand the individual packaging costs something, but the amount of money my husband was spending on these little packets of trail mix was making my head spin.
One day, I finally asked myself, "Why can't I make trail mix?" So I did!


Endless Homemade Vanilla Extract

Endless Homemade Vanilla Extract
If you're thinking that $15 for vanilla beans plus the vodka isn't exactly cheap, you are correct. You're looking at more than the $1.50-2.00 an ounce of buying vanilla. However, your homemade vanilla is nearly endlessly replenishable.
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