Comparing Pastured Meat Delivery Services – ButcherBox vs. Wild Pastures

Comparing Pastured Meat Delivery Services – ButcherBox vs. Wild Pastures
If you prioritize organic or pasture-raised meat in your diet, you probably know how difficult it can be to source it. I spent 12 years raising and eating our own beef, so I already struggle to buy meat at the grocery store, but when I started learning about the benefits of grass-fed beef and pasture-raised chicken and pork, I knew I had to up my game even more.

The problem was that I couldn't find a local producer who raised their animals on pasture. I live in the midwest, and almost no one questions the conventional method of raising livestock on grains. I know I didn't until just recently, but once I did, I tracked down a couple companies that can provide it.

Where to Find Healthy Groceries

Where to Find Healthy Groceries
Have you decided to make the switch to better groceries – whether you're looking for organic, non-GMO, pastured, more nutrient dense, or anything else? Having made that decision, are you now struggling with where to find them?
There are many reasons you may face a shortage of quality groceries. For me, I've always lived in a more rural and agricultural area. Most of my life, I was in a town of 1800 people with a single grocery store, and even now that I have two large grocery stores and a smaller, more natural-minded one to choose from, I still struggle to find the quality of food I want.
Furthermore, in agricultural-focused areas, few people seem to think twice about spraying Roundup and other poisons on or near their gardens or feeding antibiotic-laced feed to their healthy animals, so sometimes, even the farmers markets or local gardeners don't have what I'm looking for.
If you're feeling my pain, don't worry – I'm going to lay out exactly what I do to find the quality groceries I want, starting with the best option and working my way down.


The Easy Button for Finding Organic, Non-GMO Groceries

The Easy Button for Finding Organic, Non-GMO Groceries
Do you struggle to find high-quality foods at the grocery store? If so, you're not alone!
There are so many labels making so many claims – some of which are true and others that are misleading. It can be tough to know what you should choose.
Wouldn't it be great to have an "easy button" for finding groceries that are actually good for you?


Comparing Einkorn to Modern Wheat

Comparing Einkorn to Modern Wheat
Have you heard of ancient grains? They seem to be becoming more common, so if you've delved very deep into wheat alternatives, you've probably run across them.
Einkorn is the first ancient grain I used, and it's still the one I'm most familiar with. It's an ancient form of wheat that's been cultivated for thousands of years, and it's different from modern wheat in a couple significant ways that can impact your health – namely its chromosomes and nutrients.


Is Organic Produce Worth It?

Is Organic Produce Worth It?
Organic produce has become a hot topic as people grow more interested in eating healthier foods and avoiding toxins.
It is also a rather divisive topic. Some people claim it's the only way to go, and everything they eat must be organic. Others scoff at the idea that organic food is any healthier than conventional.
The truth is that both sides have some merit. It's not a black and white issue, and you must decide for yourself which shade of gray is most closely aligned with your needs.
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