The Simplest Way to Know a Product is Actually Safe

The Simplest Way to Know a Product is Actually Safe
Friends, it is SOOO important to look at the ingredients in things you buy! The front labels can outright lie to you. The company's marketing can lie to you. There are no regulations on the words "natural" or "safe." YOU have to know whether it's natural and safe.

I picked up a bottle of Method soap at the store one day and flipped it over. This is a brand that has been suggested to me as a "natural" product. The second ingredient listed after water was sodium lauryl sulfate – that is poison!

Method, Seventh Generation, Melaleuca, and Mrs. Meyers are several brands that have been suggested to me over the years as safe alternatives to toxic cleaning products. Every one of them contains sodium lauryl sulfate and/or artificial fragrance, just to name two. These ingredients are causing cancer and hormone disruption (read: infertility) in record numbers, among many other health conditions.

So how do you know a product is safe? You read the ingredients! It's that simple.

No company is going to tell you there's something bad in their products. You have to find out for yourself. Is it extra work? Yes. Is it worth it? YES!

It's a scary thing to realize you've been lied to, that you can't trust that companies have your best interest in mind. Believe me, I've been there! Change doesn't have to happen overnight. As you learn, you make better choices, and one by one, they add up to big changes. It took me an entire year to eliminate all artificial fragrance from my home. I credit that, along with other healthy choices, with taking me from 2-4 headaches each week to 2-4 headaches in a YEAR.

It all starts with you. It starts with one healthy choice ... and then another ... and another. Take it at your own pace; every step is progress. 

Start with this one – grab the first cleaning product you see and flip it over to see the ingredients. Do you see "fragrance" or "parfum"? Artificial colors? Google a couple of the main ingredients and see what they do.

Education is the key to empowerment, and I desire nothing more than to see all of you living healthier lives because you are empowered to take control of what you allow in your homes!

If you'd like more info on your step-by-step journey toward a less toxic life, jump into my Facebook group here to learn more!

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